Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Back at it with mediocre results!

My brilliant play has landed me an incredible bankroll of...around $43. All funded from freerolls. This is because I am incredibly cheap, yet good.

Let's recall a positive outcome for a change!

Me: AA
Idiot 1: - - (never got to see his hand since he mucked)
Idiot 2: K-J os (I know it's the Bill Fillmaff hand, so I naturally should have lost, but I got lucky I suppose :D )

Me: Raise to $1.50 (all in, hey it was a penny/two penny game)
Idiot 1: calls
Idiot 2: calls

Flop: 6-10-A (all clubs)
Turn: 9s
River: 6d

I land the full house after flopping the top set. I collect around $3.50 in the hand, as the idiots pooled their money in as such.

I can hopefully get a few dollars into a decent tournament soon. I am getting tired of having a small bankroll. Thanks.

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